Friday, October 21, 2016

Another 3 AM wake up

Yes that's right it is 5:04 AM and I have been up since 3:35 AM - but not because Mick got me up, but because I woke up and had an awful coughing fit. I thought I might get back to bed, but I guess the coughing woke up Mick - so we went for a walk at 3:50 AM - I was very sick in the stomach upon waking, so made some hot tea with honey. The antibiotic is not being kind to my system - so I could not go back to bed anyway. I am hoping that in another hour or so, things will have calmed down enough that I can get back to sleep - so though I slept like a rock - it was only for 2.5 hours yet again. ARGH - PS - no need to wish me good health - I wish that too believe me - I just needed to vent :-)   

One more thing - I confess to being a little concerned that this is going to find its way to bronchitis or into pneumonia - it has happened before, not for a long time, but this seems to be the trajectory my life is currently taking.  

I was at K-Mart yesterday and I have been buying their "quick sale" items. So they put the sticker over the bar code so the cashiers notice the price - except that the cashiers have to scan the item too- so they have to remove the sticker. I have now purchased so many of these items, I helped the cashier with the process yesterday - you have to hit the override key before you scan or you have to start all over. How pathetic is it that I know how to do this process??

Speaking of pathetic - my vacuum really took a nose dive recently. If it were picking up say 10 items, it would pick up 6, leave 2, and shoot the other 2 across the floor. Clearly vacuuming was an exercise in futility. So finally, I bought a new one yesterday. No bells and whistles - it just sucks up the dirt - I was so excited that it actually sucked up the dirt I went a little crazy sucking up dirt in the house. Yes - I was excited about a new vacuum - PATHETIC!

As I laid this out - I realized that my life - thought could be much worse - is currently not living up to the potential it has. 

Monday, October 17, 2016

40 Years Later

     Last night was the culmination of a number of former students hard work at putting together a class reunion.  Our class president was a good friend, but she has apparently dropped of the map, so it is nice that others have picked up the mantle to carry on.  The people responsible for creating such a wonderful atmosphere, delicious food (including a smart choice to include a vegetarian option), and music that I was apprehensive about having, but in the end was wonderful dinner music.  As I was eating, I kept hearing songs that took me back to those days when life seemed difficult, and in truth was pretty easy.

     I arrived at the same time Denise arrived.  It was so great to see her after talking to her for a year or two on Facebook.  The conversation began with discussion of pictures on the name tags, which was such a good idea.  The reason that she felt that pictures on the name tags was important was because she had no idea who Stan Brown was and asked if I knew him.  I did and then she asked me about Ed Brown.  My response was that I had no idea that there was an Ed Brown in our class.  Seems there was.

     When I walked in, I was greeted with lots of hugs and "glad you could make it."  Thanks to Cheryl Carr - I had been in contact with a number of former students prior to this reunion, so I recognized a number of people immediately.  Seeing Cheryl Pinkos again after 40 years was wonderful.  She was such a good friend in elementary school.  She was always so dynamic and out going.  Right after that it was a wonderful conversation with Mike Freed who is now also a teacher!  Right after that conversation I talked with Robin Hughes.  I could not place her immediately but we have pets in common so conversation was easy.  I am always so glad to see Becky McCorkle - she was someone that I regret not getting to know better in high school, but we have been working hard to make up for those years.  After all of this things start to run together chronologically.  I was lucky to sit at a table with so many people I knew and really liked though there was a touch of irony at my table.

  Right before dinner started, Denise was over talking with me and she saw Stan Brown at the next table and upon turning around to look, I realized that Ed Brown was sitting across the table from me. We both laughed so hard, could not believe the very two people we were talking about were right in front of us!! She and I had quite a laugh over that one.  I saw Rodger Emswiler - someone I have not seen in 40 years.  Rodger and I played drums from 4th grade until I quit in 11th grade.  Christy Wadsworth and I had a great time catching up and of course Amy Miller and Lora Place.  There was Ellen Beth Jones, another former member of the percussion section of the band.  If Lora's husband Steve would have been there we could have really rocked.  Tom Freed, another percussionist was there, and though we are friends on Facebook, I never saw him.  I had the honor of sitting next to Robin Hughes and got to see Cathy Lightcap - both friends from elementary school.  Of course there was Sandy Schaffer, but I have seen her in the past couple years.  It was fun to see Kim Hixson again after all this time as well as Annette Peak and Micki Trego.  Mark Gentili told me a couple hilarious stories.  He is so demonstrative, not sure he was always like that.  I recall he had a lot of energy in high school, but he is one of those people you didn't talk to much in school, but now you kind of wish you had.  Tommy James was proud of the Spring-Ford Marching Unit and shared that with me.  I found out that there were a number of classmates that live in Lancaster.  Oddly, I talked to Mark Trach - who I really did not know very well, because I had classes with his twin brother Richard.  I bumped into Jim Shinehouse and reminded him of our accidental meeting in a flower shop in Lancaster years ago.  Darlene Umstead nearly knocked me over when she came up behind me and planted a big hug on me - since we also communicate on Facebook - we did not talk much because we both know what has been happening to each other.

A special shout out to Cheryl Carr - Cheryl if it had not been for you - there would have probably been no reunion.  You were very critical in helping to bring this to light.  Many people missed you and were thinking about you.  We love you Cheryl !!!

I was surprised at how much Roger Kerstetter still looks like himself and quite the dancer I might add.  I saw Wayne Nuremberg when I arrived and wanted to get back to talk to him and then lost track of him, but it was good to see him.  I can't write a blog post without mentioning Eileen - she is just an amazing person.  Shaunda Wonder had me sign her old year book and she took plenty of videos of the evening.  I am thinking that this was about all the people I had the chance to talk to.

We all kind of had our summary of 40 years to share, sounding at times like a story many had practiced before they arrived.  I guess when your time is limited you have to do that or else you will never get to see anyone.  There were many people that I ran into for the first time in 40 years that I would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with and find out what really has been happening.  40 years is a long time and a lot of life gets lived in that time.  Most everyone who had children were either down to their last one in high school or had a couple in college, but many were what I would call empty nesters.  A few of us were retired, but many had another year to 10 years to work.  It is funny that all of us are beginning our next chapter of life - life after 50.  Some have barely aged - and you would know them anywhere, others have gone through radical changes and you would have no idea who they are now.  I do feel bad because Denise O'Brien said hello and I think it was the color of her hair, threw me for a loop - I had no idea who it was and when she told me I was totally embarrassed as we communicate frequently on Facebook!

The atmosphere was wonderful.  It felt welcoming from the time I arrived until the time I left.  There was only a period of about 4 minutes where I was by myself and wondering what to do.  Unfortunately, by the time this happened people had started to leave so I was kind of at a loss as to what to do.  It did not take long for someone to come by and talk with me.  The food was great.  I expected roast beef sandwiches and beer.  What I found was cheese ravioli, string beans, salad, and roast beef.  It was brilliant to have the vegetarian option given so many people our age are doing that these days.  Oddly, I went to my reunion where I had offers from friends in Lancaster to come and pick me up if I was unable to drive.   I had a ginger ale and a cup of coffee to drink all evening.  The music- excellent choices during the dinner hour.  They were all songs that were popular when we were in high school, which subconsciously put us all back there, but as adults.  The gift baskets were a great idea to help raise money and pay for the evening given there was little to no money for the event other than what we paid.  Thanks to Denise for the photo both.  I did not participate, but I saw others who did and it looked like great fun!

I guess the Class of '76 with our red, white, and blue tassels really grew up to be a unique bunch.  Sure some of the old cliques were obvious,, but mostly people tried to talk to people.  There was a list of class members that we have lost over the years.  The sobering thought to that is that list is going to keep growing now.  Some of our classmates that were there for this reunion may not make the next one.  It is really important if we value people and friends, that we really make an effort to connect to those who had some kind of effect on outlives before one of us is no longer around.

Sandy Schafer won the 50/50 and Tommy gave me the money to give to her because we live near each other.  We met a nice coffee shop Saturday afternoon, where we did our post-mortem on the event.  Sandy must have said multiple times what a great night it was - I know that Sandy was not the only one who felt that way.  Many felt that by far this was the best reunion ever.  Part of that is because we are all older and wiser now and not so caught up in ourselves anymore.  Hats off to the producers of this event.  You made memories for your classmates that they will keep forever.  Many people do not have the chance to do that for others, so you should feel very proud of what you accomplished through this event!!

So I understand that in 5 years it is to be a 3 day event including being introduced on the football field.  My brothers have been having 3 day events for a couple years now, but then they are much older than I am ;-)  So to everyone from the Class of '76 that reads this - see you in 5!

*If we talked and I missed your name - my apologies for not mentioning.  I have been dealing with brain fog since Saturday morning because of going to bed so late.

I am thinking that this is Mont Clare, because I am pretty sure Brian Dieter was from there.

I believe this is Limerick and oddly enough this is the class I probably know the least.  

I think this is Oaks - so Mark Trach, Jim Shinehouse, Kim Hinson, Rich Trach, Lora Place and Mel Schrader.

So many from Royersford and some you can't see.  

Spring City:  Back row-  Mark Emery, Carol Grubb, Darlene Umstead, Mike Freed, Lou D., Robin Hughes, Sandy Schaffer.  Front Row:  Bill Harker, Cathy Nightcap, Beth Roussey, Cheryl Pinkos, and Micki Trego