Monday, October 13, 2014

Falling for a Horse or How Barbed Wire played an important part in my life!

I have two cousins - Bob and Pete.  They lived on a dairy farm when I was growing up.  At some point they started to have horses.  It sticks in my mind that both of the boys took riding lessons - no doubt due to their grandmother.  Bob was year older than me and Pete was a year younger.  Oh and at some point they put an in-ground pool in.  So for me it was like going to Disneyland.  We had the barn with the cows, the milk room (where the milk ended up after the cows had been milked), pastures, a creek, the swimming pool, the corn crib, the spring house, and their house was a big old farm house.  I forgot to mention that their mother was a great cook, and I frequently stayed for dinner.  My favorite was the spaghetti dinner and iced tea.  Her spaghetti sauce had a really good and unusual flavor and she made her ice tea with orange juice.  Like I said - Disneyland!

I am not sure how I old I was when the following happened, and it really is a dumb story.  I think I was in late elementary school.  I would guess 5th or 6th grade or even going into 7th grade.  My cousin Pete and I were walking around the property after we were finished swimming.  We walked up and around to the back pasture where the horses (by this time they had two) were.  I thought it would be fun to go into the pasture to see the horses up close and personal.  

I wanted to walk around and go through the barn and out into the pasture.  Pete suggested we climb over the barbed wire fence.  Now I was not a farm boy, but I was pretty sure that stepping over, under, or anywhere near to barbed wire was going to hurt - ME - not him he was a farm boy!  There was this part of a tree on the inside  of the barbed wire fence.  You had to step up into a tree (this was the easiest part FYI), step over the barbed wire and onto the other piece of tree trunk and Wahla you were in with the horses.  

I was not convinced that this was the best idea for me, as I tended to be on the klutzy or unsteady side.  Pete offered to show me how to achieve success without getting hurt.  He executed the maneuver wonderfully, but I was still NOT convinced that my own attempt would end as well.  I told Pete that I was going to cut my leg on the barbed wire.  Pshaw he said to me - that is just silly you will not.  I did not mention that by this time both Bob and Pete were taller than me.  Just a minor detail I am sure, but my legs are not as long as Pete’s.  Pete basically told me I was stupid, and he said watch me and I’ll do it again.  Pete repeated his excellence in climbing proving that really anyone could do this with no harm to oneself.  I still was not buying it  - he might be able to climb over the fence without injury, but I was not going to be so fortunate.  Pete demonstrated one more time and then offered to help me across offering his hand to help keep me steady.  

Against my better judgement, I climbed up the tree, placed my left leg over the barbed wire, and as I brought the right one over,  I slipped, drug my right leg right over a barb and was hanging on the fence.  The first thing I said besides shit - was I told you so!!! Pete helped me off the fence.  I had a slit up the back of my thigh that was easily 6 inches long. Did I mention blood?  Oh my goodness did it bleed.   Pete and I thought it would be a good idea to put leaves over the cut to keep me from bleeding to death.  Then, with Pete holding leaves on the back of my leg (so yes he kind of had his head behind my butt) we walked up the long driveway towards the house. 

We arrived and Pete called his mother.  She came out to look at it - I felt like a dope because I said, I knew this was going to happen.  Pete’s mother, Dolly, (also my cousin) said that she would call my mother.  The trick then was to patch me up so I would not bleed out before my mother arrived.  Once my mother arrived, she took me home. On the way home she kind of told  me, in a very nice way, that I was an idiot.  She called the doctor and got an appt. for later in the day.  I got a shot and the doctor cleaned up my leg.  No stitches required, just a big bandage. The worst part of the whole incident?   I could not visit Disneyland until my leg healed up, which would seem like a life time!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

My Coffee Addiction

Many of you know that I have a very extreme relationship with coffee.  Truth be told, my relationship started when I was quite young.  I am not even sure I was in elementary school when I had my first taste of coffee.  Often for breakfast, especially on the weekends, my dad would have these short bread cookies called Lorna Dunes ( I probably spelled that wrong ).  The cookies, alone were kind of bland and dry, but dunked in coffee became a delicacy!!  It got so bad (my stealing my father’s coffee) that he decided I should have a cup of my own.  This coffee I drank was one part milk, two parts sugar, and the rest coffee.  In other words, I was drinking sugar and milk with coffee, so of course it tasted really good.  

This went on for several years before I just stopped.  I often wonder if this is one of the reasons I stayed short.  “They” always said that drinking coffee stunted your growth.  If this is true - I could be a poster child :-)  

It was many years again before I had coffee.  I was teaching the South Williamsport band.  We were at a contest at Williamsport High School.  It was VERY, VERY cold.  After the band performed, which was of course near the end of the contest, the snack bar was out of hot chocolate and tea.  The only thing they had left to drink that was hot was coffee.  There were parts of my body that were quickly losing any feeling so I decided I would suck it up and drink the coffee.  Now it may have been the extreme cold, it may have been that my palate had changed, or it just may have been desperation, but I ordered the coffee only to 
find out there was no cream or sugar!!  With great reluctance I started to drink the coffee, and to my sheer amazement - I loved it!  Thus began my intimate relationship with coffee.  For many years I drank my coffee black and loved it.  I always told my friends that if you put anything in your coffee you were not really experiencing “real coffee flavor.”  

Not sure for how many years I drank my coffee black and not sure how much I drank.  Some days it was a pot for myself.  I remember being so hooped up on coffee and teaching that I was bouncing around my classroom.  One of my students did ask how many cups I had had already drank on this particular morning.  It was only third period and I was up to six cups.  I believe that during this period of my life I was an addict.  I was always drinking coffee and never seemed to get enough. My students that year chided me by writing on their final exams that the one thing they learned this semester was how much I loved coffee!!

 Eventually, as all good things do, my stomach turned on me.  I could not drink black coffee without getting really sick in the stomach.  After some medical treatment, a diagnosis of GERD was assigned to me.  Initially I was going to treat this condition with not eating and drinking certain foods.  As you know that did not work well for me.  I continued to drink coffee, but now with milk.  It seemed to help for a while but eventually I had to be put on stomach meds so I could drink coffee.  Now the doctors did not know that (I guess?) but that is really what happened.  I started taking stomach meds so that I could continue to drink coffee.  I often think how silly this is, but I can’t imagine life without coffee.  I try to regulate my coffee drinking these days.  The advent of coffee shops was amazing.  I would rather go to a coffee shop than a restaurant.  I thought when I was going through graduate school, I would have my counseling business in a coffee shop.  I would call it “Coffee and a Chat.”  I have always found that sitting down with a good cup of coffee and a good friend was the best way to have a serious conversation.  

So it started when I was just a little nipper with sweetened coffee and cookies, but really began on a bitter cold night in Williamsport when I had my first taste of black coffee.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Night of the Margarita

The year was 2001 and I was invited to teach Angelton High School's Color Guard.  Angelton was located in Angelton, Texas.  The high school was about 45 minutes south of Houston.  Bands in Texas are only permitted to practice so many hours a week outside of school time.  The way we did it in Angelton was to start practice a half-hour to an hour before school started and then to practice through first block.  One night a week we would have practice in the evening, after school at a different high school in town.  The band I was teaching competed in The USSBA and BOA along with the Texas Bandmaster's.  I think you get the idea, and though there are other pieces of this trip and story to share, I will leave it here and tell you about the Margarita.  

Our staff consisted of Andy, Rich, Eric, Susan, Lou, Mike, me, and Steve (who wrote the drill but lived in Ohio).  We also had a guest consultant who worked with the Boston Crusaders the year they made finals for the first time in years, finishing 5th!  I can't remember his name, as he was not around all that much.  The staff often went out together after practice for dinner or after a home football game.  It was a great staff to be a part of for sure as it was always fun - ok maybe not always - but for me it was!  

I was living in Lake Jackson, which was very close to the Gulf of Mexico.  Speaking of Mexico, we had a very large Mexican population in our community and there fore in our band.  I learned quickly that the chain Mexican restaurants were never visited by Mexicans.  Mexicans always ate where the food was authentic.  This one Thursday night, we had practice until about 6 PM.  It had been very hot and humid during practice.  This was sometime in October, so it was hard to believe the 90 degree temperatures and the 80% humidity.  I think all of us were a bit dehydrated and of course hungry.  We had a staff meeting to determine what was next.  What was next was the fact that the real Mexican restaurant was having $1.00 Margarita night.  I was promised that the food was amazing and who could pass up $1.00 Margarita's.  

I remember that I road with Eric and Andy was there too.  I am not sure if the entire staff came or not, I think they did.  We went in and sat at a table and immediately ordered 2 pitchers of Margaritas which were cheap.  The cups they gave us were small paper cups.  I had never ever had a Margarita in my life.  So, being very thirsty, I got my cup and basically pounded the first cup.  It tasted like limeade.  Who wouldn't like a frozen limeade on a very hot day right?  The restaurant was so busy, it took a while to get our food.  Unfortunately the Margarita pitcher seemed to be bottomless.  I am not sure how many of these little cups I had, but suddenly, I was sliding off my chair onto the floor and laughing hysterically at ....... nothing.  Our waitress went by and Eric grabbed her and begged her to bring the food before I was lying on the floor.  My friends thought this was really hilarious that in a very short period of time I was inebriated.  The waitress was obliging and got the food out quickly.  I ate and began to sober up a bit.  The problem was, I had already ponded, maybe 10 of those cups.  When dinner was done, I was back on the planet and could walk, but I was still not in any condition to drive.  Eric had to drive me home, which was fine as by this time I had started staying with him.  
We took a side trip to the pool hall to play a couple games before we went all the way home.  My pool game was always better on that fine line between drunk and sober.  Eric figured I would give him a good game so we played for an hour or so.  The next day I had to get up early and have Eric take me to the restaurant so I could get my car.  

I learned that many little cups are as dangerous as a couple normal size cups.  I learned that Margarita's (frozen ones) do have alcohol in them and though I felt like I was only drinking limeade, I was NOT!  Everything in moderation and the only real liquid to quench your thirst is water!  I am pretty sure my friends had a lot of laughs at my expense, but I didn't know it.  

This was just one of the many stories from my 9 months in Texas.  It was quite an experience to say the least.  But an experience, I will never forget and always be grateful for!

The French Bistro with the Class of 76

The group including spouses

Last night was another Class of 76 get together.  I think that everyone that was there had a great time.  Despite the fact that the restaurant we met in was not really prepared for us, it still was a nice evening.  We have to thank Cheryl for organizing these events, because if she didn’t, this would not be happening.  Sadly I had missed the Wine and Cheese party at Mel’s last month because I had suffered a TIA and was quite sick and could not attend.  It was really good to see everyone again and actually some new people.  For me, one of the exciting parts of the evening was when Darlene saw me and made a bee-line over to me and gave me just a huge hug.  You see, Darlene and I really grew up together in Spring City with our houses being very close to each other’s.  It was also exciting to see Barb Smith and to meet her husband.  Linda brought her husband, who was really a nice guy and then there was Denise.  

Both of these were prior to our really taking over the area

Eventually we got ourselves seated by adding an extra table with fabric table clothes.  The other tables were covered with paper, the kind you find in some Italian restaurants.  I was sitting next to Linda and no one on the left and then Darlene, Kathy, and Denise across from me.  Conversation was comfortable and easy, so it seemed.  I was lucky to sit with people I had not been around at the last one, so I got caught up with everyone.  Linda showed me her daughter’s cake business.  WOW is all I can say about her cakes.  These cakes were really amazing and of course they came at a price.  It looked like something you would see on Cake Wars.  Just amazing!!  Kathy showed me some pictures of her cat.  The fact that her cat was in a cupboard above the refrigerator was amazing.  I know cats are amazing, but that one was something else.  

I’d like to mention that there were others there as well including Len, Robin, Lou and his girl-friend, Barb’s husband, Cheryl’s significant other, Paul, Debbie, Mel, Tonya, and Brian.  I know there were probably others and I missed you, sorry I tried really hard to remember everyone.  

So service was really slow, because they were not really prepared for us and then the front of house was slammed as well.  Many of us did not get to eat until 9 PM.  I don’t know about my classmates, but eating that late is a recipe for a night without sleep.  I have to say though that the pulled pork sandwich I had was primo going down, coming back up on the way home was less than thrilling.  I did stop at Turkey Hill to get a coke, which helped tremendously though there was a good deal of belching going on in my car!!!  As we were patiently waiting, only known to a couple people,dear Linda decided to draw her food on the table cloth.  

Linda initially was sitting at a paper covered table, now she was sitting at a linen table cloth.  I believe it was Kathy who told Linda that the table cloth was linen.  I missed the facial expression Linda made when she realized she had defiled a table cloth!  This was hilarious! Poor Linda freaked out and immediately, virtually slammed the bread basket over top of the drawing so that the servers could not see it.  When Linda got her food, she intercepted her plate so the server would not see the drawing.  She stealthily moved the bread basket to slide the food plate over the drawing.  After she finished her meal, she placed napkins down on the drawing and put her food plate on top of that to make sure the server, again, would not catch the her art work on the table cloth!  Once the server took the plate away, Linda immediately placed the bread basket back on top of  her art work.  Fortunately, the pencil art work she did should wash out easily!  

In case you missed here is Linda's dinner.  Chicken leg, potato I think, vegetables and you can't see it put there is also a fork there too!   She was thinking of EVERYTHING!  BTW in case you don't know Linda's daughter's are artists - this gene must have come from their father don't you think??  LOL - sorry Linda!!

This was the real food that finally arrived for Linda to eat.  It was a pulled pork sandwich.  This is what I had and this is what caused the noises in my car on the way home.

This was after the food plate was removed and how Linda left her place at the table when she left!!  Boy will they be surprised when the strip the table to see Linda's drawings!!!

I was talking about some of the shenanigans Brian and I participated in when were in Junior High, just last week with a friend of mine.  My particular memory happened in Mrs. Galera’s Spanish class.  The class was on the top floor in a room that had a big wood door in the back to separate it into two small rooms.  For some reason, Mrs. Galera went out in the hall and we were able to lock her out of her room.  Brian and I snuck out the back between the wooden doors and then through the other class room’s door.  Both Brian and I high tailed it down to the cafeteria as it was our lunch time.  Rumor filtered down that Mrs. Galera was coming down to the cafeteria to let us have it.  I am pretty sure she knew Brian was in on it, but I don’t think she knew I was in on it.  When I saw her coming into the cafeteria, I went across the cafeteria to some friends and then hid under their table until she left.  Brian may have gotten detention, but I think he just apologized to her and all was forgiven.  It also sticks in my mind that Brian was somehow related to her as well.  It was ironic that Brian would show up for the dinner after I was just talking about him last week and had not talked about him in years.   He came over and sat next to me for a while and we had a chance to catch up.    

That is Brian talking to Mel.  Keith and Paul are having a conversation in the fore ground.

People slowly left as it appeared that many were having trouble pulling away from their old and new friends.  I have to say that I have never heard of any class any where doing something like this.  For me, as I am running into old classmates, it brings back the memories of time spent in Jr High and High School.  Many of us, by the time we were in high school, had moved into different groups of friends and started to move into the direction we planned to go once we graduated.  We have lived our lives, had our children and raised them, and now able to seek out former friends.  

This is Karen - our famous bus driver from the Class of 76!

Once again the Spring-Ford class of 76 had a successful evening at the French Bistro in Royersford.