Saturday, August 13, 2016

Bill's Saturday Morning Rant - Note This is pretty extreme - read with caution

DISCLAIMER - I want to be up front - these are totally my feelings and the ones I have been carrying around with me for quite awhile.  I needed to rant and it just exploded out of me today.  My intent is not to offend anyone for sure - but my intent is to unburden myself by speaking my true mind.  This really may not sit well with many people - I get that - I just that you respect my feelings as I try to respect yours by not posting snide remarks/rants on posts you make -  If you read this and we are friends on Facebook and all this bothers you - unfriend me - I'm not going to apologize - anymore - for what I believe and who I have grown to be.  I feel like I have regained some dignity in my life.  Some that was missing over the years.  Let me also say that when I went to the hospital and they asked if I wanted a religion designated to my file - my response was "No I like them all."  I have some very core beliefs about God - that you won't shake and that you may not believe or may even disagree with it - again that is your prerogative - but I am not required to believe what you believe anymore than I require you to believe what I believe - Spirituality is very personal and should be - Again comments to a rant are not necessary because they are not seeking any or is the rant an attempt to dialogue about a situation - if you want to dialogue - then we need to sit down face to face to do this - social media is not the place to dialogue.  Social media is the chicken shit way of dealing with people we don't like and get away with it - Social Media can be very good when used correctly - but Social media is being ruined by the idiots who do what they do - It is not the news causing all the problems among people - it is the likes of FB and Twitter and whatever other Social media outlet that allows for the spread of filth and lies about people.   Hmmm sorry looks like this disclaimer has turned into a rant too -  I guess I have a lot inside that has been boiling to come out.  It is simple folks - Love each other as you wish to be loved.   Let it go at that point.  

This is a rant that began with an article about teachers not wanting to teach in Indiana - whose governor at the time was Mike Pence - oddly most of Indiana hates him and they are overjoyed that he is now running for VP - 

Hmmmmmmmm and this now our VP candidate - I was a republican in my youth - then I grew up and learned about the world and the people in it - my world view expanding to include all people not just my immediate little world - at that point I switched. I like to think I am still conservative - but I like to think that people cannot determine things about other people - for me God is the only judge - And even those of us who think we have cornered the "God Market" based on a book that is at best filled with ideas of how people need to treat people - and laws that are so out-dated it is insane. Hence - judgment doesn't come until the end and no man should be judging others. No man should be saying my way is right and your way is wrong - I'm more right than you - NO ONE knows what "right" is - some people just think they do. To think any other way is just unwise - haughty - prideful - and arrogant. At best - we should - for better or worse be in this together - because we are all human beings - made up of parts of each other - get your DNA checked - Our country is free for a reason - Donald Trump is one of the scariest people I have ever seen or heard - The stench about others that comes out of his mouth is just plain wrong - it is filled with a lot of hate. Voting for him is just plain ignorant on your part - it means your world view is just not broad enough - to throw away a vote on another candidate is wrong too - because then you increase the chances of Donald Trump being elected (Can you say Brexit?) At worst - voting for Hilary - whether you like her or not - will last at the least 4 years - I know she can do a lot of harm in 4 years - but nothing like Donald Trump could do with his (and I would not be surprised) diminished mental capacity for knowing the difference between right and wrong - appropriate and inappropriate - One final closing thought - You are more than welcome to disagree with me - It is America - but we clearly do not agree on some very fundamental things - things that I have been swallowing since I've been teaching - I'm not teaching anymore and I am done swallowing - Unfriend me - I am totally fine with that - because chances are - neither of us are going to agree with much - doesn't mean I don't respect you as a fellow human - but it does mean that I don't have to listen to your rhetoric and try to agree with it - I have tried and once this election is over and behind us - I hope that our world becomes a civil place again where people can stop needing to be right about their beliefs and be open to what others have to say - to dialogue - to explain and more importantly - to listen to each other and come up with a compromise rather than taking your toys and going home when someone does not agreed with your way of thinking.

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