Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Reason for the Season?

So I read this article this morning about how the pagans stole Christmas from the Christians.  The article was written about an article Kirk Cameron wrote.  I have always liked Kirk Cameron, but I believe he has gone just a little south.  I try hard not to judge and believe that we have to believe by faith - that is how this whole Christian thing seems to work.  I have done a lot of research over the years into the origins of Christmas.  There is nothing in the Bible that suggests Dec. 25th is the date of His birth.  Again, for me it is all about the faith and not about the facts.  In my study of this awesome holiday, I discovered that Christmas did seem to start with the Pagans.  As years have gone by, this holiday has changed and changed adding from various cultures and religious beliefs.  My feeling is that Christmas or the week of the solstice is a special time for everyone, for various reasons.  Why not just celebrate the holiday and then celebrate it specifically according to your own personal beliefs.  There seems to be so much overlapping in meaning.  For example - fire -  Fire brings light, light casts out darkness, and people need to find the light because it is safer in the light than it is in the dark.  Fire would have been pagan.  Jesus, as we know is The Light of the World.  Christmas trees maybe pagan, because we celebrate the beginning of nature coming back to life.  We put lights on the tree - sure for decorative purposes - but again it is the beginning of rebirth of nature, and symbolizes Jesus as the light of the world.  I hope you understand my thoughts here.  The date on which Jesus was born is just that - a date.  I am just thankful that He was born.

As I stated earlier - I do believe strongly that I am a Christian, but all this "my brand of Christianity is better than yours"  smells very much like what is going on in the Middle East between all these different religions.  Every time I hear another story about Christians fighting with Christians (and yes it happens here in the states) it makes me sick.  Jesus got a long with everybody.  He was friends with the lowliest AND he treated them with kindness.  Jesus didn't gather his disciples together to talk about what a bunch of losers those other people are compared to those that followed ME.  

I became a Christian because my friend Dean was one.  Dean was gentle and kind.  He was also caring and in his own way - loving.  These were qualities I had not found in any of my friends to that point.  After spending hours of time with him and his family, I decided I wanted what he had.  I guess this hits the arguments  about saved by grace or by works.  How about both!  Sometimes we need grace and other times we need to show the Christ that is in us.  I do think that "Jesus is the reason for the season" (I know so cliche')  but I do.  Judaism does not believe there is a Messiah that has come and they are still waiting.  Do I personally believe this?  No, but I respect those that do.  The same goes for everything else.  In their purest forms most religions have pieces that overlap.  There are ideas in Buddhism that fit wonderfully with Christian ideals.  Because I follow some Buddhist ideas, does that make me a bad Christian?  Some reading this might say yes, but in my heart (and that is the  most important part) I believe that Christ was the Son of God.

In closing - I just don't understand the hate found in many of the groups that are in my words "my way or the highway" - We are all people too - We need to stop this non-sense of fighting with each other over religion and start to take care of each other.  Those ideas are found in religions across the board and it is the one thing which we can all believe.

**  I did not write this to start a fight - or to get into arguments about what I have typed.  These are my opinions - and last time I checked I am entitled to them.  So you are entitled to yours - but if you want to go all negative on my butt - save yourself - if you want to share your thoughts - start your own blog and you too can share your feelings.

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