Friday, August 15, 2014

How do you get from Tuscany to Judgement? Read on to find out!

I watched Under the Tuscan Sun last night.  I have a friend who is about to embark on a European trip and it made me think of this movie and how cool it might be to move to a foreign country, buy an old broken down villa and then work on fixing it up.  Imagine all the people you would meet shopping in town and being a part of a new culture.  I have to say that living in Lancaster all these years, even though I have made many good friends, has been stifling.   A friend of mine who works in Lancaster but lives in Chester Country said that the 50 mile drive makes such a difference.  He said it is hard to believe how different the people are in Lancaster compared to Chester County.  I know that Central Pennsylvania is the Bible belt of PA,  and don’t get me wrong I truly believe I am a Christian blah, blah, blah, but I also believe that everyone has the right to decide what works for them.  I have known Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, and Muslims.  Do I agree with their faith?  Maybe not but I agree that in order to be a more complete person you need to have faith.  Faith in something: I mean  without any faith where are you going to end up?  Do I think my faith is better than yours?  Why would I?  I’m not you?  I can’t possibly know what’s in your heart and mind so how could I know what is best for you.  My Christianity teaches “Judge lest you be judged.”  Hey if my faith brings me to an after life with Pearly gates and St. Peter with the book of my life.  Then no way am I getting “taken down” for judging someone.  I try my hardest not to judge anyone.  I may not like what you are doing, it may not be healthy for you to do what you are doing, and according to my faith you may even be sinning, but I have NO input on that.  What you do morally is between you and whoever.  Don’t judge!

So likewise I have a very strong conviction about other people feeling that their religion or faith is more superior than mine.  I detest when people question my sincerity about my faith.  You don’t know my heart.  Don’t judge me.  Am I perfect? - for humor sake I would say, “Of course” - but man that is not even remotely true.  I not only have issues (as we all do), but I also screw up.  I say things in jest that are taken wrongly.  I was told that I was a lousy teacher last year, I was told I did not understand Jr. high students, I’ve been told I’m an asshole.  Ok so maybe sometimes the last one is true, but I don’t do it on purpose.  Anyone who knows me knows there is hardly a mean bone in my body anymore.  I even feel bad when I discipline the dog!  Again,  don’t judge.  

Sadly, I believe strongly that the prevailing attitude in Lancaster is one of just plain judgement.  I know it sounds like I am judging these people.  That is not my point.  There are many nonjudgmental people I am friends with in Lancaster and they agree that many in Lancaster are very judgmental.  I suppose what is at the core of this issue is that there is only one true religion and it must be followed to the letter of that law.  If you do not follow this law, or this religion, then there is something completely wrong with you.  It also means that you are not worthy or an equal to them.  Shame on you.  This creates people with small world views with narrow minded beliefs.  At anytime in history we can look at groups that were bullied for a variety of reasons.  I remember Catholics were fish eaters and not to be trusted.  I remember that ALL black people were called the N word and were not to be trusted at all.  I have learned that the Irish were not trusted when they came to America and neither we're the Italians.  Now it is Gays and Lesbians.

I can understand, based on your limited world view that you don’t like gay people; I can understand you don’t think they should be married; I can understand that you think they are going to hell, but i cannot understand your attitude of hate towards these people.  You are judging based on your narrow criteria.  I often think about all the types of people Jesus spent time with.  He did not judge them for what they did.  Hey sin is sin no matter what it is.  There were murders, prostitutes, adulterers, thieves, and many more.  There is an entire list posted on one of the doors at  the church in which I work.  Do you really think Jesus would turn his back on a gays and lesbians.  I don’t, not my God, He is a God of love not hate.  He would be there to help and counsel as he did with Mary.  Just because you are gay or lesbian does not mean that you should not have the option to be a Christian or any other religion for that matter.  Gays and lesbians need as much if not more support than most people.  Please stop judging people!

I am happy to know that our younger generation and many faith based groups are beginning to accept gays and lesbians into their organizations.  Many gays and lesbians already have some kind of serious faith relationship.  No longer hiding in shame because if the truth were known, they be cast out of the organization.  It is good to know that gays and lesbians are no longer be looked at as anything other than a human being.  There is hope that people will stop judging others.

I’ve used the gays and lesbians as an example, but we all know that in high school anyone not in our clique was considered to be a pariah and we wanted nothing to do with them.  The girl I sat next to during graduation was a prime example.  I met her during graduation practice when I had to sit next to her.  We didn’t know each other at all, but until graduation was over, I felt so lucky to have known her.  She was not part of my group, and maybe I did see her in school but she was still not someone I would have been friends with because of how she dressed.  I know very shallow right?  But that’s my point, I was shallow in high school.  I am thankful that I am no longer shallow.  I learned from a group of black, female teenagers that I was Bill.  I had no color and was not different to them than anyone else.  This was truly one of the greatest lessons of my life.  

Our country needs more tolerance and understanding or I fear for what will happen to this country.  No matter someone’s race, religion, color, and sexuality we are all human beings with feelings, hopes, wishes, and dreams.  People really need to stop judging others!

PS- I know this is a long way from Under the Tuscan Sky - but maybe not as far as you think.  Pawel was judged because he was Polish and not Italian - Frances, though was not judged, because the people in her Cortona were open and friendly people.

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